Oppose involuntary historic district in Baywood

Please sign the petition if you care about protecting your property rights and demand fair representation by our elected officials.

A small group of unelected individuals are attempting to unilaterally limit your property rights in the Baywood neighborhood of San Mateo, State of California. If successful, they will expand this strategy to other neighborhoods in the City.  See if you are on the list of designated homes.

A blanket historic designation in Baywood causes more harm than benefit. It dramatically limits your right to improve your home by adding burdensome restrictions and costly red tape. We need urgent intervention by our elected leaders and City Council to oppose the Baywood historic district application, which is baseless, divisive, and exclusionary.

We call on San Mateo elected officials, including Deputy Mayor Nash, and other relevant representatives to represent their constituents who are opposed to historic designation. Submit a letter of opposition to the California State Historical Resources Commission - silence is unacceptable!


Petition to San Mateo City Council

We, the undersigned residents of San Mateo, oppose designating the District 1 Baywood neighborhood a historic district.

Historic designation will significantly impact the rights of property owners by increasing red tape, limiting design choices, increasing costs to maintain and update homes, and making it more difficult to sell properties. Historic districts are a permanent designation, without exemption or exception, that will cast a shadow over the Baywood neighborhood.

We cannot allow a small group of unelected individuals from the Baywood Neighborhood Association and San Mateo Heritage Alliance to usurp our property rights without the approval of the Baywood property owners, City staff or the City Council.

The District 1 representative, Deputy Mayor Diaz Nash, has recused herself from any discussion related to a Baywood historic district due to her husband’s involvement in the San Mateo Heritage Alliance, which is organizing the historic designation effort, and their positions as President and Vice President of the Baywood Neighborhood Association, which is supporting the effort.

We call on San Mateo elected officials, including Deputy Mayor Nash, to represent their constituents who are opposed to historic designation. District 1 needs a voice on the dais. Stop the attack on our property rights. Submit a letter of opposition to the California State Historical Resources Commission - silence is unacceptable!

(By signing the petition, your address will be used to determine your neighborhood district and will not be made public.)

Go to www.lessredtape.com to learn more!

News on Historic District Efforts

List of designated homes

322 signed so far. Help us get to 300!

Will you sign?

30 people have signed the petition

Recent responses